Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Money Makes the Election Go Round

If there is one thing this registered Democrat who voted already for Hillary Clinton has learned, you can't do elections without a ton of triple-matched and quadruple-matched gifts. I send 'em, the three bucks, the one buck, the five bucks, but the infestation that is Donald Trump swats all donations aside and goes back to his own cornucopia. The man is money; he breathes it, excretes it. Money comes out in his dandruff. People seem to admire him for this quality. Enough that the FBI doesn't make public his tax fraud, business fraud, sexual harassment, and God knows what other dark deeds. A pathological liar, a self-made narcissist: this creature has climbed to the top of the American political system. When will the Republicans have the courage to reveal what they really know about this man?


  1. Things are getting scary here -- he's slightly ahead in polls. We did our absentee votes and I am very glad we're heading to Australia next Monday. Very toxic election season here.

  2. Things are getting scary here -- he's slightly ahead in polls. We did our absentee votes and I am very glad we're heading to Australia next Monday. Very toxic election season here.

  3. yes, if Caligula wins, I may take up prayer. I hope Jupiter throws a heart attack his way. What can one do, apart from sending in the odd five bucks almost every time the Clinton team asks? I wish I had his money.
