Friday, August 9, 2024

On the Arrest of Gabriel Olds


When I read about the arrest of Gabriel Olds, the actor, I remembered him playing  a rapist on Grey’s Anatomy—pushed in a wheelchair, he’s somehow threatening the person pushing him.

I’m not sure this memory is accurate, since I can’t find the scene on YouTube, but he’s done a lot of television. I, however, have often thought of him as the son of one of my favorite poets, Sharon Olds, and of the psychoanalyst husband who left her. Did the husband push an inhibited wife into psychoanalysis and then not like it when she got cured and wrote vivid, graphic, uninhibited poems? That was always my theory. He loved his privacy? Didn't realize the poems were more about the human condition than about him? 

I loved her poems about her children. In one, “The Clasp,” her daughter, four,  about two years older than her son, is always pushing him over, face-first. The exhausted mother and narrator—they’re all home with colds—clasps the daughter’s wrist hard for a moment, and reflects on that moment. Oh, the moment when a mom loses her temper on no sleep! I know that moment well.

In another poem she observes her five-year-old boy accidentally breaking things. Filled with energy, he looks with amazement at a sieve he’s just busted and pees on the lawn. The poems ends with a humorous jab, the house collapsing behind the kid. Oh, I know that feeling too. There are more poems about her son, one in which as a seven-year-old he plays tough guy at his birthday party, and another  about him becoming a man.

Could this well-observed child, son of two Upper West Side professionals, really be a rapist who lures women in with his charm and violently assaults them? It doesn't sound likely. Unless the kid sustained a serious head injury or is on drugs.

 He has pleaded not guilty. I hope he really is not guilty.  His mug shot shows shock, horror; he can't believe his situation.


  1. The child is not the rapist, the man he became would be. Let’s hope it’s not true. How tragic that would be for everyone.
