Monday, April 10, 2023

The Tennessee Three: Keep them in the News!

Gloria Johnson, Justin Jones and Justin Pearson, the Tennessee three, who bullhorned their protest against guns, breaking the so-called "decorum" of the legislature, should be getting more coverage and more support.  

They haven't, in the wake of another story: classified documents showing up on social media.

We may not be able to do much about electronic invasions of national security, but we should support these brave three. They risked doing the right thing, preventing children, teachers, ordinary law-abiding citizens from falling victim to violent gun-owners. After the March 27, 2023 mass shooting at The Covenant School in Nashville, in which three nine-year-olds and three adults were killed, Johnson, Jones and Pearson protested, and members of the GOP compared their behavior to the January 6 attack on the capitol. 

Let's compare their behavior to the folks to whom King George the third (underestimating the colonists) thought he could give "a few bloody noses," but who fought bravely and established the United States of America. Support these three in their battle for gun control; they are the underdogs with the just cause, and it is long past time that America had what Europe routinely enjoys: gun control. 


P.S. Justin Jones is back in, yay! For some reason they're waiting til Wednesday to bring back Justin Pearson. Why the delay?  

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