Saturday, May 21, 2022

No Time for A Spa: My 48-Hour Alternative

Step One: I walked into Lidl to scarf up everything I never buy: chocolate-chip cookies, two kinds of junky chocolate pudding, and sweet wine:



Step Two: I served it to myself. My favorite wineglass. A Plate. TV

After about four cookies, half of each of the puddings, and 3/4 of the glass of wine, I gave up. I was stuffed.

Step Three: I passed out on my bed while trying to read.

Step Four: I opened a book I was saving for the beach: Dan Brown's Origin. But I was too sleepy to read. Which is fine, because I really do want to lie under a beach umbrella somewhere like the North Sea and read this. 

Step Five: I slept for around ten hours. I think I went to bed at 9:30.

Step Six: The next day--today, that is--I got a haircut.

Step Seven: I bought all that overpriced shampoo and hair oil every salon tries to sell you. The stuff smelled good. 

Step Eight: I went impulse buying, a not remotely alarming sport for me. Net takeaways: a new toilet brush and a watering can.

Step Nine: I thought about re-writing all the stuff I'd planned to re-write rather than actually re-writing it.

Step Ten--the best: I managed not to feel one bit guilty.

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