There's the tiny print on the normally large form. It's impossible to fill out those very small ovals without a miniscule smear or dot getting over the line.
Disqualified? Anyone's guess. For the record, in case my vote is never recorded because of that tiny smear or dot going over the line, here's my ballot. For posterity:
Then there's the placing of the ballot inside the "Security Envelope for Special Federal Voter" which is another sheet of paper which must be folded very precisely:
All of this goes inside another precisely folded sheet of paper, which one is supposed to tape shut (meanwhile, the German post office almost refused the last one because it wasn't in an envelope.) When I sent the next in an envelope, I'd broken some rule and had to send in an official "cure," and here's a piece of that:
This is all starting to look as complicated as German bureaucracy. Although it isn't. Not quite.
Sending my ballot today . . . I guess it will get there before November 8. All hail to he/she/they who process this.
When this ballot's in the mailbox, I get to go to the gym. That's what prevents tailspins of all kinds.
Goodbye, little ballot, and Godspeed!