Saturday, February 5, 2022

Defending Whoopi Goldberg

I can't believe she's been put in a corner to think about her sins for saying the Holocaust isn't about race but about man's inhumanity to man. Alas, she did add that "white people were killing white people," not taking into account the Nazi persecution of Jews as an inferior race.

The point is: racism is about man's inhumanity to man. I can hear them whining about the term "man" already; let's say racism is about inhumane behavior. Racism is inhumanity. But Whoopi got to the heart of the problem. Inhumanity is the problem; inhumanity is the essence of racism--and of wokeism too, as John McWhorter has recently observed in his witty masterpiece, Woke Racism

Lighten up, ABC. Madame Goldberg--who loved to pretend she had a Jewish ancestor back there somewhere, until Henry Louis Gates cornered her with a study of her DNA--made a slightly dumb remark. But she's no racist. If anyone should be reflecting on their sins, it's ABC--they've actually insulted one of the most talented, humane people around. Why wasn't it enough to say "the views expressed by Whoopi Goldberg are not those of ABC" and leave the situation behind?

She should leave ABC behind and start her own show. They don't deserve her. Their treatment of her is anything but humane.



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