In the
far-away mansion of Mar-a-lago
President’s counting his dough
A nicely
huge mansion, baroque and outré
Trumpety Dumpety gets his own way.
He tweets
up a storm; our boy’s busy indeed
He yawns
and he wonders who next to mislead.
He goes
with the flow and he hires and he fires
When he
can squeeze time from fulfilling desires
prostitutes, pee, kinky sexual positions
managing mergers and yes, acquisitions
North Korea while tickling Putin
Though Stormy’s
tough lawyer’s gone all highfalutin’
“Why won’t
they just see that the girl’s just a ho?”
The world
is against me! Hey, go with my flow!”
That is
what the Trump said when he fell on his head
But Fox
News wouldn’t say that he actually bled.